Blending History and Heritage

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Her passion for châteaux

Margaux est née et a grandi en Touraine, une région aux multiples châteaux. Elle s’est très vite éprise de cette forte culture française qui l'entourait et à développé un goût particulièrement prononcé pour ces châteaux aux silhouettes majestueuses. Elle se souvient de ses innombrables visites dans ces lieux profondément marqués par l’histoire et se revoit encore, petite, tenant la main de sa maman, devant les illuminations du château d’Azay le Rideau. Encore aujourd'hui on peut apercevoir la stylise flâner dans ces somptueux couloirs pour contempler ces merveilles historiques.

L’héritage de sa grand-mère : 

During her summer holidays, Margaux used to visit and spend a lot of time with her grandmother, Maline. A History buff with a particular passion for the women who have “made History”, she passed on her enthusiasm to her granddaughter. The more time Margaux spent with her, the more she developed a real interest in History in turn. Today, in her designs, we can detect a hint of the Renaissance, the period of History that most interests her.

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The Renaissance – an inspiring era

If Margaux had to choose a period of History, it would undoubtedly be the Renaissance. Besides, it was during this time that many châteaux such as Chambord, Chenonceau, Amboise and Blois were built. However, the designer is also so passionate about this period of History because it was the time when women would really begin to attach importance to clothes, wearing corsets to refine their waist, and dresses abounded in fine fabrics such as jacquard, brocade and taffeta. Margaux describes this period as rich and magnificent, extremely erotic, sensual and feminine.
